About us

       Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia (ULCI) is established on November 4, 2011 and is the only Chinese language and research institution in Latvia authorized by PRC . It is a non- profit education institute co-founded by the University of Latvia and South China Normal university, by initiative from Confucius Institute Headquarters/ Hanban.

        All teachers working in CI come from China and are native speakers of Chinese. As well are attracted local teachers from Latvia.

        The excellent students from ULCI have an opportunity to receive Confucius Institute Scholarship to continue their studies in China.  ULCI also provides consultations regarding China’s education, culture, economy and society, and carries out research dedicated to Sinologist matters.

        Besides the classroom studies, students of ULCI have various opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of Chinese; ULCI holds multiple activities and competitions related to Chinese culture and language proficiency every year including: Spring Festival Gala, Lantern Festival Gala, HSK/ HSKK Chinese Proficiency Test, “Chinese Bridge” competition, Chinese Summer camp, Mid- Autumn Festival Gala, Chinese Salon, and Confucius Institute Day activities.

        After the final exams of every semester, qualified students are awarded a Certificate of Completion by ULCI. After conclusion of a school year, excellent students can apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarship or CSC Scholarship to further their studies in China from one year to 4 years.